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Spin-offs from CERN and the Case of TuoviWDM

Ari-Pekka Hameri

Speaker: Ari-Pekka Hameri

  This presentation outlines the catalyzing events, key obstacles and other influences at CERN during the four-year journey of the TuoviWDM software project from its initiation in 1995 to the launching of a spin-off company in late 1998. The TuoviWDM software is a WWW-based extended enterprise interface to product data management systems and to data vaults residing in proprietary information systems. A group of organizations uses this integrated whole to store and access information and to manage operational processes. The large projects and global user base at CERN provided the development team with an ex-tremely flexible, occasionally surprisingly benign, and always challenging environment to develop the system. The opportunities to exploit the diversity hidden in the world's largest particle physics laboratory are immense. However, this case has again demonstrated that in a public sector organization the climate, the procedures, and the decision-making bodies, which are related to creation of technology and to technology transfer, may be supportive, irrelevant or even counter-productive.

Presentation:  PowerPoint Short Paper:  Adobe Acrobat pdf 

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