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An evaluation of tools for static checking of C++ code.

Eva Arderiu Ribera1, Gabriele Cosmo1, Steve M. Fisher2, Stefano Paoli1, Maya Stavrianakou1
  1. CERN
  2. RAL

Speaker: Maya Stavrianakou

  The SPIDER-CCU (Code Check Utility) project was conducted at CERN by the IT-IPT group in collaboration with members of LHC experiments and IT division. Its purpose was to define a common C++ coding standard, and a tool to automatically check code against it.
  After releasing the document "SPIDER - C++ Coding Standard" in August 1999 an evaluation of available commercial tools was conducted. Five commercial tools were evaluated over a period of three months. The evaluation was based on a process, and a set of criteria, defined in order to take into account all the needs of CERN and the LHC experiments.
  The focus of the presentation will be on the method followed for the tools evaluation, and the results of the work.

Presentation:  PowerPoint Short Paper:  Adobe Acrobat pdf 

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