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Tabular editors for Geant4: Geant4 Geometry Editor and Geant4 Physics Editor

Hajime Yoshida1, Toshiaki Kodama1, Shunji Sei1, Hisaya Kurashige2
  1. Naruto University of Education
  2. Physics Department, Kobe University

Speaker: Hajime Yoshida

  We have developed two tabular editors, GGE and GPE for Geant4. Among the necessary classes for application programmers to write, GGE (Geant4 Geometry Editor) and GPE (Geant4 Physics Editor) generate the classes (i.e., *.cc and *.hh source codes) for their detector geometry and the associations of particles with processes.
  Use of these editors make programmers free of the knowledge on the usage of complex classes and typing of many straight-forward but tedious class and their methods names. The editors have a look of two-dimensional table with editable cells with listbox etc.. From the contents of the table, relevant class files are automatically generated. The table can be saved in the persistent file and can be loaded for reuse.
  GGE consists of the material editor and volume editor for logical and physical volumes. GGE provides the capability of defining compound materials and logical volumes in a general way. Common materials used in the detectors can be created with the material editor and stored in the persistent file. Anyone of the materials defined can be used to define logical volumes. All parameters to define a logical volume (CSG and BREPs) can be entered with the guide of GGE. The shape of a solid can be previewed with DAWN, Fukui renderer.
  GGE's capability of defining physical volumes is limited to relatively simple spatial arrangements; 1) single positioned volume with displacement and rotation, 2) repeatedly positioned volume along one of the cartesian axis or axially symmetrical arrangement or 3) replication along one of the cartesian axis or axially symmetric way.
  To have the whole view of the detector, user have to compile the generated codes with the Geant4's libraries and use its visualisation system. This a-la-TeX scheme of getting the view requires Geant4 libraries but it guarantees that the detector geometry generated does work with Geant4.
  GPE provides users with selection-by-click of particles to be instantiated. User can choose a particle or a set of particles belonging to the same category, like, leptons or baryons etc.. GPE provides users with selection-by-click to choose a process and to associate it to a particle. The default (predefined) ordering parameters of each process are automatically copied to the table.
  GPE, at present, is capable of handling only electromagnetic processes. GPE incorporates, by default, the transportation and decay. Hadronic processes with various models will be incorporated. Parametrization and optical processes are not implemented due to their close connection to the detectors geometry.
  The default cut value can be specified by a user. The table is saved to a persistent file and can be loaded for reuse.
  GGE and GPE are implemented with Java2 with Swing. At present they run on Linux and Windows.

Presentation:  PowerPoint Short Paper:  Adobe Acrobat pdf 

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