Last update:
Apr 1, 2000
GAUDI - The Software Architecture and Framework for building LHCb Data
Processing Applications
LHCb Computing Group
Marco Cattaneo
We present the strategy that has been adopted for the development of the
software system for the LHCb experiment. This strategy follows an
architecture-centric approach as a way of creating a resilient software
framework that can withstand changes in requirements and technology. The
software architecture, called GAUDI, covers all the event data processing
applications in all processing stages from the high level triggers in the
on-line system to the final physics analysis. We present the major
architectural design choices that we have made and outline the arguments
that led to the choices being taken. The current architecture will be
described in terms of a set of use cases that have driven its development,
the components that have been identified, such as the event store, detector
description, job options service etc, and their interactions. Several
iterations of a software framework based on this architecture have been
released and the framework is now being used by the physicists of the
collaboration to facilitate the development of data processing algorithms.
Object oriented technologies have been used throughout in the design and
implementation of GAUDI.
Presentation: | Short Paper: |