Last update: Apr 1, 2000 |
Brookhaven National Laboratory Speaker: Pavel Nevski In this paper we present our experience with migration of the GEANT3 based detector simulation for STAR to the OO model.The Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC (STAR), commissioned at Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1999, contains a set of Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) for charged particle tracking over almost six units about central rapidity, a silicon detector for vertexing, electromagnetic calorimeters, and a number of other systems. STAR is designed to measure the momentum and identify several thousand particles per event from the collision of heavy nuclei at ultrarelativistic energy. Over 300 Terabytes of real and simulated data will be generated each year. The unprecedented complexity of the events and the total data volume present a formidable software challenge. We have developed in set of classes in STAR framework, which allows to run simulations using GEANT3 while having a c++ presentation of the detector geometry and hits. The same geometry description is converted "on flight" into a set of C++ objects to provide an OO detector model. This model is used within STAR framework for visualization using ROOT, and for the event reconstruction.
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