Last update: Apr 1, 2000 |
Fermilab Speaker: Philippe Canal Following a comprehensive understanding of the requirements for Physics Analysis, Fermilab adopted the use of ROOT for the Collider Experiments, CDF and D0 in the upcoming data-taking run - Run II. To meet the needs of the experiments Fermilab has entered into collaboration with the Root Development Team. Following a workshop of the US HENP Users of ROOT in March 1999, the Fermilab Computing Division agreed to contribute to various areas of the development and support of ROOT.In this paper we will review the contributions we have made and plan to make to the ROOT collaboration. These include the new script compiler, the integration of CLHEP's physics vector, collaboration on self-describing file format. A key requirement of D0 and CDF is to have a robust, maintainable, package for use in analyzing their physics data. We have worked closely with the core ROOT development team on the testing, builds and use of ROOT to help ensure robustness and maintainablility. We have also developed two hands on courses and a user guide that introduces ROOT to the novice users. These courses and documents go over both the initial steps in using ROOT for physics analysis as well as more advanced features, like the ROOT trees and details of the CINT interpreter.
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