Last update: Apr 1, 2000 |
SLAC Speaker: Tony Johnson Java Analysis Studio (JAS) is a desktop data analysis application aimed primarily at offline analysis of high-energy physics data. The goal is to make the application independent of any particular data format, so that it can be used to analyze data from any experiment. The application features a rich graphical user interface (GUI) aimed at making the program easy to learn and use, but which at the same time allows the user to perform arbitrarily complex data analysis tasks by writing analysis modules in Java. The application can be used either as a standalone application, or as a client for a remote Java Data Server. The client-server mechanism is targeted particularly at allowing remote users to access large data samples stored on a central data center in a natural and efficient way. JAS is written entirely in Java and will run on any platform with a Java virtual machine.Version 2.0 of Java Analysis Studio is now released and in this paper we will describe some of the new features added since the last CHEP conference including: 0) New 2-D plot types and dynamic creation of slices and projections of 2D plots. 0) Interfaces with other systems including PAW, ROOT and histoscope. 0) The ability to use JAS as a tool for monitoring online data taking, including the ability to display lined hypertext (HTML) pages with embedded live plots within the JAS framework. 0) The use of the JAS plotting widget in other applications, as well as with the web as an applet or servlet. 0) The ability to use the histogram filling and manipulating classes in other applications. We will also discuss the experiences of some experiments that are currently using JAS including Babar and the Linear Collider Detector (LCD) group. For more information please visit the JAS web site at:
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