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A Linux PC Farm for Physics Batch Analysis in the ZEUS Experiment

Marek Kowal, Krzysztof Wrona, Tobias Haas, Ingo Martens

Speaker: Marek Kowal

  15 months ago ZEUS experiment started ongoing project to migrate completely from very expensive computing enviroment consisting of multiprocessor SGI Challenge systems to PC Farm.
  After succesful migration of reconstruction software and first excercises with some batch systems we decided to migrate completely to PCs and provide users with batch facilities.
  Right now our computing facilities consist of 47 PCs, two SGI fileservers with 3TB of disk space and tape mass storage (20TB). Old SGI Challenges are also used. Two batch systems: NQS and LSF were evaluated.
  Special "jobclients" software developed at ZEUS provides users with job submission and retreival commands from any operating system. PCFarm status is available on line all the time through WWW as well as interface to most of the administrative tasks.
  File transfers across network are supported by ZEUS-made RFIO software, ancestor of CERN RFIO. Access to mass storage facilities is supported by special tpfs filesystem developed at ZEUS.
  In presentation we give exact description of system, explain software and hardware choices, discuss it's performance, scalability and maintanace and also compare prices of used subsystems.

Presentation:  PowerPoint Short Paper:  Adobe Acrobat pdf 

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