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Libraries for HENP Computing -- the LHC++ project

Andreas Pfeiffer

Speaker: Andreas Pfeiffer

  The LHC++ project is an ongoing effort to provide an Object Oriented software environment for future HENP experiments. Its primary focus is on C++-based solutions, although, of course, developments in the software arena, in particular the increased importance of Java, are closely watched.
  For some of the basic functionalities, like persistency and low-level numerical mathematics, commercial libraries (e.g., Objectivity/DB and NAG, resp.) are used in order to minimize the effort needed for maintenance. On top of these libraries, a set of HENP-specific C++ class libraries for histogram management, fitting and ntuple-like data analysis has been developed.
  In close collaboration with the experiments we are working on a new modular data analysis tool/toolkit based on the set of abstract interfaces defined together with the HepVis99 working group. The aim here is to provide a flexible tool where the individual components can be easily customized according to needs.
  The talk will give an overview of the present status of the project and future developments.

Presentation:  PowerPoint 

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