Last update: Apr 1, 2000 |
Speaker: Sijin Qian Title: Performance of an Object Oriented Track Reconstruction Model in Multiple LHC ExperimentsAuthors: Irwin GAINES (Fermilab, Batavia, IL 60510, USA) Saul GONZALEZ (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA (*) Sijin QIAN (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA (*, **) Abstract: An Object Oriented (OO) model for track reconstruction by the Kalman filtering method [1] has been designed for high energy physics experiments at high luminosity hadron colliders. The model has been coded in the C++ programming language and has been successfully implemented into the OO computing environments of both the CMS [2] and Atlas [3] experiments at the future Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. We shall report: (1) with largely the same code, how the OO model was adopted to different scenarios and serves the different reconstruction aims in different experiments (i.e. the level-2 trigger software for Atlas and the offline software for CMS); (2) how the OO model has been incorporated into different OO environments with a similar integration structure (demonstrating the ease of re-use of OO program); (3) what are the OO model's performance in both the CMS and Atlas experiments, including execution time, memory usage, track finding efficiency and ghost rate, etc. (4) additional physics performance based on use of the OO tracking model. We shall also mention the experience and lessons learned from the implementation of the OO model into the general OO software framework of the experiments. In summary, our practice shows that the OO technology really makes the software development and the integration issues straightforward and convenient; this may be particularly beneficial for the general non-computer-professional physicists. More details about the OO model (including the model design, the class and object diagrams, the performance results and the presentations in various conferences and meetings, etc.) are available on the Web site [4], which is updated regularly to include all new developments. [1] I. Gaines, P. LeBrun and S. Qian, CMS TN/96-122 (1996); I. Gaines, T. Huehn and S. Qian, in the Proceedings of CHEP'97 at Berlin, Germany; also filed as CMS CR/97-018 (1997); I. Gaines and S. Qian, in the Proceedings of CHEP'98 at Chicago, USA; I. Gaines and S. Qian, in the Proceedings of AIHENP'99 at Crete, Greece. [2] CMS Technical Proposal, CERN/LHCC/94-38 (1994). [3] Atlas Technical Proposal, CERN/LHCC/94-43 (1994). [4] http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/~sijin/oo.html ---------------------------- *) mailing address: CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland **) the speaker
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