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CDF Monte Carlo'2000: a year before data taking

CDF Monte Carlo

Speaker: Pasha Murat

  We describe the CDF Run II Monte Carlo system. Its distinctive features are: - it uses GEANT3 as an underlying simulation engine; - it is fully integrated into the CDF Run II offline framework; - it shares significant part of the infrastructure - geometry and readout geometry - with the reconstruction code, the shared code utilizes GEANT4 infrastructure classes; - it provides a unified framework for the detailed and parametrized detector simulations; - it allows uniform handling of MC event generators, including VEGAS-type generators; - it incorporates specialized decay packages (QQ, TAUOLA) and such features as generation of event pile-up; - is provides overall control over the random number generation, including the random numbers used by MC event generators and GEANT3; - it integrates ROOT-based analysis and visualization tools We discuss performance of the CDF Monte Carlo, validation (including cross-platform validation) and future prospects.

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