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Espresso – a Feasibility Study of a Scalable, Performant ODBMS

Dirk Duellmann

Speaker: Dirk Duellmann

  At the request of the LHC Computing Board, the RD45 project has carried out an analysis of the risks associated with the proposed strategy for providing object persistency for the LHC experiments (namely an ODBMS such as Objectivity/DB and a MSS such as HPSS). Although these systems are being successfully used by a number of experiments, including BaBar at SLAC, one of the primary conclusions of the risk analysis is that the manpower required to develop a suitable system in-house should be estimated. This is due to the relatively small size of the ODBMS market – estimated to be worth some $100M per year – and because of a lack of a convincing commercial alternative to Objectivity/DB. We describe the goals and non-goals of the feasibility study, the main architectural features, scalability and performance characteristics and status of the prototype. We present an estimate of the manpower that would be required to design and build a full-production system and compare this with alternatives. Finally, we discuss the possibility of using technologies such as object-relational databases, which some people now argue will become the dominant database technology in the medium term.

Presentation:  PowerPoint Short Paper:  Adobe Acrobat pdf 

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