Last update:
Apr 1, 2000
 | on same keytopic |
Data Handling at Fermilab and Plans for Worldwide Analysis
Vicky White
Vicky White
Fermilab has gained considerable experience in building and operating
data handling systems. Fermilab was the first High Energy/Nuclear
Physics site to use the HPSS storage system in production. New data
handling systems have been built and are now being tested at CDF and D0,
ready for the challenge of handling almost a Petabyte of data per year.
A new, performant, network-based storage system, Enstore, has been built
and is now operational and in use by the D0 experiment. CDF and D0,
although choosing somewhat different implementations for their Run II
data handling, have built, and are now testing, data access systems
based on file based access to data, disk caching strategies and an
Oracle meta-data database. The D0 data access system, SAM, designed
explicitly to support distributed data access, and to incorporate
resource management components, is also being used in some of the
research and development work of the Particle Physics Data Grid
project. There is ongoing work on LHC/CMS experiment data management
and on worldwide analysis, which focuses on object data management
systems, data organization, and resource management issues and which
will make use of the lesson learned with the Run II systems.
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