Last update:
Apr 1, 2000
Object Oriented Design in PHENIX
Matthias Messer
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Matthias Messer
The PHENIX experiment at RHIC is designed for high luminosity and
large diversity of information. Twelve independent sub-detectors
provide a flood of complex data - a challenge for online as well
as offline computing.
The entire software for event reconstruction is now written in
C++, forming some 200,000 lines of code. The only FORTRAN legacy
is found in detector simulation, largely due to the usage of
GEANT3. Several design patterns were implemented to cope with
a number of independent sub-systems and a, consequently,
large number of independent programming styles. To enable data
interchange between different pieces of software, so-called
modules, a tree structure of data in memory has been designed
using composite objects. This package, the PHenix Object Oriented
Library PHOOL, uses Root for DST I/O, but, at the same time, avoids
the overall inheritance from TObject, the Root-system base-class,
and thus maintains flexibility and, even more important, type-safety.
This is achieved by the extensive usage of encapsulation, multiple
inheritance and run-time type-information.
In the same general spirit of shielding the user from direct usage
of a package, a set of wrapper classes has been designed which manages
the storage of calibration constants in an Objectivity-database.
The talk will describe the implementation of these techniques, give
examples of encountered (and solved) problems and report on the successful
use in the, so called, mock data challenges.
Presentation: |