Last update:
Apr 1, 2000
on same keytopic |
Object Oriented simulation of the L1 trigger system of a CMS muon chamber
Claudio Grandi1,
Annalina Vitelli2
- University of Bologna and CERN
- University of Torino
Claudio Grandi
The level 1 trigger system of the CMS experiment will be implemented using ad
hoc designed hardware. It is essential to have a detailed simulation of the
system in order to effectively define data analysis strategies. Object
Oriented technology is well suited to reproduce the behaviour of and the
relations among the different electronic devices. We present the design of the
code which simulates the behaviour of the level 1 trigger system of a CMS muon
chamber. The code is fully integrated with the ORCA (Object-oriented
Reconstruction for CMS Analysis) program. On demand reconstruction is widely
used in order to optimize CPU and memory usage, and to provide an
user-friendly interface. Persistency in an Objectivity database is introduced
in order to save the products of the most CPU consuming processes. A
comparison with data recorded using a prototype of a muon chamber layer
equipped with a trigger card during 1999 summer test beam is also presented.
Presentation: | Short Paper: |