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The BaBar Online Computing System

Gregory P. Dubois-Felsmann
 Caltech for the BaBar Online Computing Group

Speaker: Gregory P. Dubois-Felsmann

  The BaBar experiment has designed and implemented its online data acquisition, monitoring, and control system using object-oriented software techniques. This system was used for the commissioning of the experiment and has now been in use for some eight months in the acquisition of colliding beam physics data. Most of the online software is written in C++, from the embedded data acquisition processors through event building, software triggering, database access, and user interfaces. Other components of the system use Java and other object-oriented technologies such as CORBA and the Objectivity OO database product.
  We will present an overview of the general structure of the online system and its relationships with other BaBar software components, and then describe the event data acquisition and logging chain, and its performance during BaBar operations, in more detail. We will describe the experience of constructing a system from the ground up using OO methodologies, and while noting pitfalls encountered and lessons learned, we will argue that this experience has borne out in practice many of the expected benefits of this approach. The online system has reached, on a tight timetable, notable levels of performance and reliability, in a complex distributed environment, and its design has already proven to be accommodating to the phased deployment of improved implementations of its facilities, and amenable to the satisfaction of unanticpated requirements within its basic frameworks.

Presentation:  Adobe Acrobat pdf 

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