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Evaluation of Objectivity/AMS on the Wide Area Network

Youhei Morita, Hiroyuki Sato
 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

Speaker: Hiroyuki Sato

  As the number of physicists increases and will be spread over the world in the coming generations of HEP experiments, the needs to distribute the obtained data near to the physicists' home institute also increases. Thus the importance of the effective utilization of the wide area network (WAN) increases at unprecedented scale.
  In this report we present the details of behavior and the performance of Objectivity/Advanced Multithred Server (AMS) on the dedicated link with relatively large latency. This link is a part of Japan-Europe-Gamma (Global Architecture for MultiMedia Access) project which connects Europe and Japan with a 2 Mbps ATM network.
  The large latency of the satellite network link gave us a unique opportunity to test the distributed data analysis in the WAN environment. We have measured the performances of remote database access and database replication option of Objectivity/DB using the satellite link. By analysing the TCP/IP packets, several ways of improving the distributed database transactions were found. We discuss some optimal use cases of the distributed object database in the WAN HEP data analysis environment.

Presentation:  PowerPoint Short Paper:  Adobe Acrobat pdf 

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